War is coming to American Soil.
(too old to reply)
Luke Nichols
2012-12-05 10:38:19 UTC
For information on 666, RFID implantable microchips and prophetic
dreams I've had, please visit my site:


Basically, war is coming to America's soil.

2012-12-05 10:54:47 UTC
In article <OuFvs.217$***@newsfe25.iad>, ***@frontiernet.net
Post by Luke Nichols
For information on 666, RFID implantable microchips and prophetic
Basically, war is coming to America's soil.
More bullshit from ol' Lookie, AKA the Chicken Little of W. Virginia.
BDK- Head FUD-Master Blaster. Friend to all kOOkbashers.
2012-12-05 19:06:53 UTC
Post by BDK
Post by Luke Nichols
For information on 666, RFID implantable microchips and prophetic
Basically, war is coming to America's soil.
More bullshit from ol' Lookie, AKA the Chicken Little of W. Virginia.
You don't want to go near the webpage it's basically godbotherers insane
Reality isn't his thing
2012-12-05 19:40:28 UTC
Post by george152
Post by BDK
Post by Luke Nichols
For information on 666, RFID implantable microchips and prophetic
Basically, war is coming to America's soil.
More bullshit from ol' Lookie, AKA the Chicken Little of W. Virginia.
You don't want to go near the webpage it's basically godbotherers insane
Reality isn't his thing
His webpage is pretty comical. He's a loon, but not in the class of the
say one of the greatest of them all, "The Student", who believed red
cars were following him from the West coast of the US to NYC. Looky is
almost sane compared to him. I really miss "The Student" web page. That
was some funny shit there.
BDK- Head FUD-Master Blaster. Friend to all kOOkbashers.
2012-12-05 19:04:27 UTC
Post by Luke Nichols
For information on 666, RFID implantable microchips and prophetic
Basically, war is coming to America's soil.
Government Shill #2
2012-12-05 20:12:55 UTC
Post by Luke Nichols
For information on 666, RFID implantable microchips and prophetic
Basically, war is coming to America's soil.
Let me guess...

The UN. Right?

The same UN that has failed utterly in everything they have tried to do over the
past 40 years. The UN that write a country a stern letter for murdering 10s of
thousands of their fellow countrymen. That UN?

Shill #2
"He's a fake kook. I'm a real one."
andrew luke nichols
alt.conspiracy - 19 March 2012
Luke Nichols
2012-12-05 20:33:20 UTC
Post by Government Shill #2
Post by Luke Nichols
For information on 666, RFID implantable microchips and prophetic
Basically, war is coming to America's soil.
Let me guess...
The UN. Right?
The same UN that has failed utterly in everything they have tried to do over the
past 40 years. The UN that write a country a stern letter for murdering 10s of
thousands of their fellow countrymen. That UN?
Well, if you would of visited my site, you'd see I believe it will be
Chinese. A Chinese invasion.

They aren't loaning the US all that $$ for nothing.

They want something. I believe that something is the Western half of
the USA.

But hey, America has turned its back on God and has given itself over to
every evil imagineable.

They deserve what they get.
2012-12-06 03:31:26 UTC
Post by Government Shill #2
Post by Luke Nichols
For information on 666, RFID implantable microchips and prophetic
Basically, war is coming to America's soil.
Let me guess...
The UN. Right?
The same UN that has failed utterly in everything they have tried to do over the
past 40 years. The UN that write a country a stern letter for murdering 10s of
thousands of their fellow countrymen. That UN?
AS we call it, the useless nations
2012-12-06 15:59:04 UTC
Post by Government Shill #2
Post by Luke Nichols
For information on 666, RFID implantable microchips and prophetic
Basically, war is coming to America's soil.
Let me guess...
The UN. Right?
The same UN that has failed utterly in everything they have tried to do over the
past 40 years. The UN that write a country a stern letter for murdering 10s of
thousands of their fellow countrymen. That UN?
Shill #2
The UN wouldn't last 5 minutes against any group of citizens going
againt it.
BDK- Head FUD-Master Blaster. Friend to all kOOkbashers.
MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE
2012-12-06 16:32:05 UTC
Post by BDK
wouldn't last 5 minutes
It would last because birds with no feathers WOULD flock together.
Why ask why? when HOW is so much more fun.

When Josef Stalin was on his deathbed he called in two likely successors,
to test which one of the two had a better knack for ruling the country.

He ordered two birds to be brought in and presented one bird to each
of the two candidates. The first one grabbed the bird, but was so afraid
that the bird could free himself from his grip and fly away that he
his hand very hard, and when he opened his palm, the bird was dead.

Seeing the disapproving look on Stalin's face and being afraid to repeat
his rival's mistake, the second candidate loosened his grip so much that
the bird freed himself and flew away.

Stalin looked at both of them scornfully. "Bring me a bird!" he ordered.
They did. Stalin took the bird by its legs and slowly, one by one,
he plucked all the feathers from the bird's little body.

Then he opened his palm. The bird was laying there naked,
shivering, helpless. Stalin looked at him, smiled gently and said,
"You see... and he is even thankful for the human warmth coming out of my

It would work, because a people without HOPE are easier to control.

"We're going to take things away from you
in the name of the Common Good".
-- Hillary'06

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"Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory"
-- Shameless Politico THUG, Nancy Pelosi'09

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2012-12-06 03:37:55 UTC
Post by Luke Nichols
For information on 666, RFID implantable microchips and prophetic
Basically, war is coming to America's soil.
See who gets blamed for the Crystal Rivers Nuclear Plant
implosion.There is a Fema x plan in motion to disasemble it because of
galvanic corrosion has eaten its tendon sleves and the grease is
desolving the bonding compound in the containment walls!

Same as the Twin Towers the cost will be too much so they will again
blow it up and blame it on terrorism!

A handy excuse to go to war! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$